Product: Reign Theme

Reign Theme v7.4.0

= 7.4.0 =
* Fix: (#1215) Update link preview activity with the bb platform
* Fix: Managed mobile user menu with the PeepSo

Reign Theme v7.3.9

= 7.3.9 =
* Enhancement: (#1212) Added option for hide user menu in mobile
* Fix: (#1211) Managed mediapress gallery navigation arrows
* Fix: Create dynamic activity URL
* Fix: Fixed redirection issue at register form popup
* Enhancement: Removed unnecessary code
* Fix: (#1210) Managed color picker alpha not working
* Enhancement: (#1208) Added sign-in link on register page
* Fix: (#1209) Managed register popup not working with youzify
* Enhancement: (#1208) Managed register split view page notice
* Enhancement: (#1207) Managed default cover image for members and group activities
* Enhancement: (#1208) Managed register page scroll when extra fields and fixes

Reign Theme v7.3.8

= 7.3.8 =
* Fix: (#1199) Managed sticky header and sticky topbar style
* Fix: (#1204) Update Peepso header bar spacing
* Fix: (#1205) Managed page spacing with Divi and Beaver page builders
* Fix: (#1200) Managed mobile off-canvas fixes
* Fix: (#1204) Managed Peepso icons in the mobile header
* Enhancement: (#1201) Managed EDD shortcode download layouts
* Enhancement: (#1201) Managed EDD downloads item columns spacing
* Enhancement: (#1201) Added EDD downloads layouts and dark mode
* Fix: (#1202) Managed dark mode logo path not set when changing the Logo
* Enhancement: (#1200) Managed header navigation dropdown animation
* Enhancement: (#1200) Managed sticky sidebar smooth scroll in logged-out mode
* Enhancement: (#1200) Update theme header layouts and scrolling effect

Reign Theme v7.3.6

= 7.3.6 =
* Fix: (#198) Managed social links section UI in single member
* Enhancement: (#1197) Backend options UI fixes

Reign Theme v7.3.5

= 7.3.5 =
* Fix: (#1196) Update reign groups widget UI
* Fix: (#1195) Update login text custom position and fixes
* Fix: Update the sticky sidebar position
* Fix: (#1196) Update members and group carousel sidebar widgets UI
* Fix: (#1196) Managed members, groups, carousel widgets, customizer preview load
* Fix: (#1196) Reign bp activity widget customizer warning fixes
* Fix: (#1134) Removed embedded content invert
* Fix: (#1195) Managed custom login and registration customizer option
* Fix: (#1195) Update wp-login language-switcher position
* Fix: Managed login screen option when demo import

Reign Theme v7.3.4

= 7.3.4 =
* Fix: (#1191) Fixed deprecated warning with easy digital downloads 3.0
* Fix: (#1189) Managed woocommerce mini cart UI with Elementor Pro
* Fix: (#1188) Fixed Uncaught Error with Youzify
* Fix: (#1186) Managed box layout container width and UI fixes
* Fix: (#1183) Update options title and description esc_attr to esc_html
* Fix: (#1183) Update theme files with Kirki 5.0.0

Reign BuddyPress Theme v7.3.3

= 7.3.3 =
* Fix: (#1180) Single member and group action button UI fixes
* Fix: (#1181) Managed Buddypress register page split view
* Fix: (#1182) Managed activity link preview UI
* Fix: (#1176) Fixed translation issues
* Fix: (#1179) Managed footer widgets spacing UI
* Fix: (#1180) Managed groups organizers' members' UI with the bb platform

Reign Theme v7.3.2

= 7.3.2 =
* Fix: Fixed undefined variable warnings
* Fix: (#1175) Dark mode fixes
* Fix: Warning fixes with php 8.2
* Fix: (#1171) Added edit profile link when no data and UI fixes
* Fix: (#1173) Activity link preview for buddypress dark mode fixes
* Enhancement: (#1172) Managed friendship action buttons with members layout 4
* Enhancement: (#1171) Managed single profile settings screen UI
* Enhancement: (#1171) Managed single profile messages screen UI
* Enhancement: (#1171) Managed single profile notifications screen UI
* Enhancement: (#1171) Managed single profile edit screen UI
* Enhancement: (#1170) Added more options icons with bb platform
* Fix: (#1169) Managed outdated copies of WooCommerce template files
* Fix: (#1168) Managed sticky sidebar scroll to bottom widget
* Enhancement: (#1162) Update single post navigation UI
* Enhancement: (#1162) Update single post comment form logout mode UI
* Enhancement: (#1162) Update related post structure and UI
* Enhancement: (#1161) Added footer area padding customizer setting
* Fix: (#1161) Added left panel icon border radius and button radius fixes
* Enhancement: (#1165) Managed post activity content UI
* Enhancement: (#1164) Managed page featured image without subheader

Reign Theme v7.3.1

= 7.3.1 =
* Fix: #1160 - Fixed Light and Dark Logo
* Fix: (#1155) Managed topic links mobile view UI
* Fix: (#1155) Managed social share loading on page load
* Fix: (#1155) Managed discussions content with the bb platform
* Fix: (#1155) Show subscribe and favorite button in a single topic
* Fix: (#1158) Fixed notification distortion in the French version
* Fix: Managed 404-page content color in dark mode
* Fix: (#1154) Managed reply #scroll when entering URL
* Fix: (#1154) Fixed reply #scroll effect issue
* Fix: (#1156) Managed message subject title UI
* Fix: (#1155) Update social links UI
* Fix: (#1155) Managed forum pages subheader
* Fix: (#1155) Managed left panel icon active and tooltip text color
* Fix: (#1155) Update rtMedia override file
* Fix: (#1153) Managed client site js warnings