Product: LearnDash Dashboard

LearnDash Dashboard v6.6.3

= 6.6.3 =
* Fix: Fixed issue with license is not deactivated if response is failed
* Fix: (#931) Fixed removed p tag after updating the course
* Fix: (#997) Fixed student count on group leader dashboard

LearnDash Dashboard v6.6.2

= 6.6.2 =
* Fix: Addressed the essay report issue for consistent and accurate reporting (#991).
* Fix: Resolved an issue with the report client site to ensure reliability and accessibility (#991).
* Fix: Fixed a problem where the quiz report was not displaying upon course selection for improved user experience (#993).
* Fix: Corrected the quiz dropdown functionality for admin, ensuring smooth operation and user interface interaction (#993).
* Fix: Resolved dropdown issue for group leaders to enhance usability and functionality (#993).
* Fix: Eliminated a fatal error for group leaders on the edit course screen, improving stability and user experience.
* Fix: Addressed an issue with Report: Client Site for enhanced report generation and accuracy (#991).

Learndash Dashboard v6.6.1

= 6.6.1 =
* Fix: Quiz Report search UI
* Fix: (#927) Fixed console error in quiz report
* Fix: Fixed fatal error on the Zoom shortcode page
* Managed: UI with mobile and iPhone

LearnDash Dashboard v6.6.0

= 6.6.0 =
### Fixes
- Removed trash from all courses section
- Hide "Load more" when no data is found
- Not found message in question search (#981)
- Fatal error fix (#981)
- Search and Reset button added for Quiz, Lesson, Topic, Question (#981)
- Drag & drop management in quiz (#981)
- Query arguments fix (#981)
- Question section issue in Quiz fixed (#981)
- Activation issue fix on new setup (#977)
- Warning issues fixed (#979)
- Deprecated issue fix on time tracking tab (#978)
- Course activity issue fixed (#972)
- Dashboard titles issue fixed (#973)
- PHP errors fixed (#974)
- User enrolled issue fixed (#964)
- CSS hiding issue fixed (#971)
- Undefined index key fixed
- Edit question from quiz builder fix (#952)
- Edit quizzes title fix (#926)

### Improvements
- UI improvements for search, reset buttons, and search notices in lesson topic
- Question scroll bar UI updated
- Frontend Quiz Builder Question listing UI managed
- Course content in course grid issue fixed (#980)
- Instructor commission report UI issue fixed (#965)
- Deprecated issue on the user menu fixed (#962)
- Instructor Commission Report admin filter UI improved
- Select Course Users UI managed
- Final Quizzes UI managed

### Additions
- "the_filter" function removed
- Notice added for not found lesson, topic, and quiz
- LearnDash "learndash_course_info_shortcode" function added
- Automatically approve instructor feature added (#683)
- Certification count on the student dashboard (#662)
- Instructor capabilities to add users into courses (#659)
- Assignment detail added (#631)
- Profile override description change (#898)
- Associated courses in lesson fixed (#782)
- Final Quizzes section added to frontend Course Builder (#926)

### Maintenance
- Courses trashed
- Final Quizzes UI issue fixed
- ld-dashboard-general-settings.php updated
- class-ld-dashboard-activator.php updated
- Instructors Courses Status option changed
- Question update and create popup fix (#948)

Learndash Dashboard v6.5.6

= 6.5.6 =
* Fix: (#955) Added Learndash stripe payment getaway log
* Fix: (#221) Two license tab issues with LMS note
* Fix: (#951) Fatal error on adding quiz question from builder

Learndash Dashboard v6.5.5

= 6.5.5 =
* Fix: (#933)Fixed Group Leader Dashoboard issue(Charts and Graphs)
* Fix: (#934)Fixed typo on become an instructor button
* Fix: (#936)Fixed typo issue in course tab
* Fix: (#937)Fixed fatal error on commission calculation
* Fix: (#938)Fixed redirect on same tab after update or add new post
* Fix: (#939)Fixed Fixed reports tabs are blank
* Fix: (#940)Fixed enrolled students are not visible on course activity filter
* Fix: (#946)Fixed course search issue
* Fix: (#947)Fixed editor do not show embed videos

Learndash Dashboard v6.5.4

= 6.5.4 =
* Fix: Back to all course section
* Fix: Featured course option issue
* Fix: (#929)Students can not view their course report
* Fix: (#930) PHP warnings on the instructor dashboard
* Fix: License issue
* Fix: Single instructor page redirect to 404

Learndash Dashboard v6.5.3

= 6.5.3 =
* Fix: Quiz Report search UI
* Fix: (#927)Fixed console error in quiz report
* Fix: Fixed fatal error on the Zoom shortcode page
* Managed: UI with mobile and iPhone

Learndash Dashboard v6.5.1

= 6.5.1 =
* Fix: Fixed meeting timer not working on single meeting page
* Fix: Fixed tiles count according to manage course capability
* Improvement: Updated zoom meeting create form UI
* Fix: Fixed earning chart issue

Learndash Dashboard v6.5.0

= 6.5.0 =
* Improvement: Backend Option UI and Labels
* Improvement: Instructor Earning Log and charts
* Improvement: Learndash Statistics Tiles for Instructors