Product: BuddyPress Profile Pro

BuddyPress Profile Pro v2.2.3

= 2.2.3 =
* Fix: (#158) Fixed warnings on user profile
* Fix: (#150,#155) Fixed query monitor issue and php warnings
* Fix: Fixed Plugin redirect issue when multi plugin activate the same time
* Fix: (#154) Remove export tab and code

BuddyPress Profile Pro v2.2.2

= 2.2.2 =
* Fix: (#154) Removed the export tab and code
* Fix: Added doc link and updated top banner, and content
* Fix: (#153)Issue with bp 12.0beta3
* Fix: Text domain issue
* Fix: BP v12 fixes
* Fix: License issue
* Fix: (#152) Profile visibility setting
* Fix: (#152) Fatal error and profile visibility setting
* Fix: (#151) Profile field visibility settings were not working
* Fix: PHPCS fixes
* Fix: (#149) Warning issue with PHP 8v

BuddyPress Profile Pro v2.2.1

= 2.2.1 =
*Fix: (#137)Translation not working
*Fix: (#145)Fixed warning
*Fix: Set Inactive only when the license key deactivates
*Fix: Update License activation file and set response in transient

BuddyPress Profile Pro v2.1.2

= 2.1.2 =
* Fix: (#139) Fixed warning on search
* Fix: (#141) Fixed same fields show within different field groups

BuddyPress Profile Pro v2.1.1

= 2.1.1 =
* Fix: Fixed buddy boss admin notice issue on the wrapper
* Fix: (#137 )Fixed translation not working

BuddyPress Profile Pro v2.1.0

= 2.1.0 =
* Fix: (#131) Added RTL support
* Fix: (#127) Fixed error in ajax response
* Fix: (#133) Enhancement of user data save on each user meta key
* Fix: (#132) Fixed profile fields display UI
* Fix: (#134) Fixed PHP warning of undefined variable 
* Fix: Fixed phpcs fixes 
* Fix: Improvement update admin wrapper UI
* Fix: Fixed PHP warnings on member search

BuddyPress Profile Pro v2.0.0

= 2.0.0 =
* Fix: Plugin activation issue with BuddyPress resume manager
* Fix: #123 Updated backend UI and profile fields listing data
* Fix: #86 - Youzify profile search functionality not working properly
* Enhancement: Repeater field groups must be pipe separated in exported CSV
* Enhancement: Added #66 - can extended fields be downloadable?
* Fix: Fixed redirect issue on bulk plugin activation
* Fix: Removed install plugin button from the wrapper
* Fix: #115 Improve UI with Youzify

BuddyPress Profile Pro v1.9.0

= 1.9.0 =
* Fix: (#111) - Fixed member search enable/disable option
* Fix: (#112) - Fixed member search with profile pro fields
* Fix: (#113) - Update search form UI with youzify
* Fix: Added class to search form submit button

BuddyPress Profile Pro v1.8.0

= 1.8.0 =
* Fix: Radio repeater field issue
* Fix: #72 - Layout distort when place is a repeater field
* Fix: Foreach supply not array warning
* Fix: Fixed Group Field error.
* Fix: (#62, #101, #104) - Update frontend UI.
* Fix: Removed extra white spaces in textarea field
* Fix: (#80) - Fixed checkbox: repeater field issue.
* Fix: (#104) - Fixed fields overflow issue.
* Fix: (#77) - Fixed phpcs-errors.
* Fix: Update selectize input field UI.
* Fix: (#109) Update fields setting tab description UI.
* Enhancement: (#110) Added phone icon in view profile.