Product: BuddyPress Private Community Pro

BuddyPress Private Community Pro v2.9.0

= 2.9.0 =
* Fixed – (#215) Profile progress functionality restored.
* Fixed – (#216) Users can join hidden groups regardless of option settings.
* Fixed – (#223) Popup notice visibility now aligns with user-configured options.
* Fixed – (#221) Resolved issues with initial conversation settings.
* Fixed – (#219) Replaced ‘Delete’ action with ‘Cancel’ and addressed friendship restriction issues.
* Fixed – (#218) Group restriction and create group options with limit now functional for all users.
* Fixed – Managed Profile Progress configuration option within UI for enhanced clarity.
* Fixed – Typo corrections and language updates for the Profile Progress section for improved readability.
* Updated – All strings and FAQs for comprehensive clarity and user guidance.
* Removed – Unnecessary calls to activity-restriction-settings.php to streamline plugin performance.
* Updated – README.txt and buddypress-lock-pro.php files for up-to-date plugin documentation.
* Enhanced – Profile completion percentage bar UI for better visual feedback.
* Improved – Login Registration Form UI to sync with BuddyPress standards.
* Updated – Admin UI across all tabs for a more intuitive user experience.
* Removed – Several options, including activity restrictions, notification options from components restriction, profile tab restriction, and group restriction options for a streamlined plugin interface.
* Added – Default role for membership restrictions to simplify user management.
* Added – Dependency of profile completion messages to options for more dynamic user interaction.
* Enabled – Visitors Restrictions by default upon plugin activation for improved site security.
* Resolved – Issues in group creation privacy settings to ensure user privacy and group integrity.
* Addressed – Admin profile visibility issues and profile-visibility issues (#211) for consistent user experiences across admin and frontend.
* Enhanced – Plugin accessibility (#212) for wider user inclusivity.
* Updated – Plugin version and changelog to reflect the latest developments and fixes.
* Performed – Maintenance tasks with Grunt for optimized plugin performance.
* Addressed – Compatibility issues with BP v12 and fixed license-related concerns for smoother plugin operation and compliance.
* Warning – Resolved PHP 8.2 warning (#210) to ensure compatibility with newer PHP versions.
* Updated – Plugin imagery and URLs for a refreshed visual identity and accurate link redirections.

BuddyPress Private Community Pro v2.8.5

= 2.8.5 =
* Updated: Image and URLs
* Fix: (#208) Issue in Friendship restrictions
* Fix: (#210) Warning with PHP 8.2
* Fix: BP v12 fixes
* Fix: License issue

BuddyPress Private Community Pro v2.8.4

= 2.8.4 =
* Fixed - Set Only Inactive when license key deactivate
* Fixed - Update License activation file and set response in transient
* Fixed - Added support menu and update plugin name, visit plugin link,

BuddyPress Private Community Pro v2.8.3

= 2.8.3 =
* Fixed - fixed by default disable force profile completion
* Fixed - Added component check on each buddypress actions
* Fixed - (#198) Fixed php fatal error when group component is disabled

BuddyPress Private Community Pro v2.8.2

= 2.8.2 =
* Fixed - (#192) Fixed restrictions settings are not showing according to the role
* Fixed - (#193) Fixed can not load general notice tab settings
* Fixed - (#194) Fixed BuddyPress component restriction issue
* Fixed - Removed Activity, Group, Member, account settings, and Extended Profiles components from membership restriction 

BuddyPress Private Community Pro v2.8.0

= 2.8.0 =
* Fixed - (#174) Updated Backend UI
* Fixed - (#175) "Redirect page" dropdown admin UI
* Fixed - Added hookable position in login, register form
* Fixed - Added Buddypress Recaptcha support for login/register forms
* Fixed - (#178) Added RTL support and grunt packages file
* Fixed - (#176) Managed activity form notice UI with bb platform
* Fixed - Fixed conflict with Events Manager plugin
* Fixed - Update admin wrapper UI

BuddyPress Private Community Pro v2.7.0

= 2.7.0 =
* Fixed - (#166) Update setting description
* Fixed - (#139) changed 'select page to redirect' option description not match
* Fixed - Added nested logic to check message per hour
* Fixed - (#150)Fixed messaged restriction issue with bb