Interesting Factors To Know For Google Rankings

Google rankings factors

Search engine rankings are the way you need to evaluate your business and website SEO performance. Are you owing a business? This is your need to have your website on Google Rankings. You must know how to maintain this ranking or improve the ranking strategy. In this article, I will share with you about the Google strategy for boost the web rankings.

Checking and getting updated with your top SEO competitors link profiles is a good starting point to understand what kind of link scores you are competing against, and how much work is required for you to catch up. You can get the clear idea of doing how many efforts in terms of SEO and Website Optimization.

Factors You Must Know

Domain Factors

Google Rankings


Domain Age And Registration

While selecting a business and product, sometimes people want to know about the domain age and registration time. Yes, it is true to have domain age more than a year attracts the audience more. As it comes under the domain trust or business trust by visitors.

Keyword As The First Word In Domain

Is your business keyword added to your domain? If Yes, Good, it would be profitable to you and If no, so I want to suggest you do so. Keyword specific domain always gives unique identity and catch more audience. This is simply a smart way to let people know about your business specification just after seeing your domain name.

Keyword In Subdomain Name

As per Moz’s 2011 panel, It was clearly stated that a keyword appearing in the subdomain can boost rankings. It will help you to boost your website if you are adding up your keyword into the subdomain name along with domain name.

Domain History

Yes, Check the domain history while you have bought an Expired or Auction Domain. If you have bought a new domain then no need to worry about this because the domain is new and it doesn’t have a history yet. Why is it important right? If you bought an expired spam domain which was hit by a penalty by Google, your website will never rank in the search engines. All your efforts make benefits, you must check with domain history for proper ranking boost.

Exact Match Domain (EMD)

An EMD is a domain name that precisely matches a search query that will likely drive traffic to your website. It’s important to note that having an Exact Match Domain in itself will not result in a penalty. Exact match domains have always been the source of a lot of contention among SEOs.

Page Level Factors

Google Rankings


Keyword In Title Tag And Description Tag

The title tag and description tag are the webpage’s most important parts of the content and therefore sends a strong on-page SEO signal. Google find out the search results just go through with the title tag and title description. Therefore, if your main keyword is included into the tags, it will give the quick search and also improves ranking.

Keyword Appears In H1 Tag

H1 tags are a “second title tag” that sends another relevancy signal to Google. Search engines pay special attention to the words in your headings because they expect headings to include clues to the page’s main topics. So it is beneficial to place your keyword into an H1 tag.

Keyword Density

Keyword density is something Google uses to determine the topic of a webpage. Google do clearly understand about the web topic just to go through with keyword density. Keyword density in SEO was the determining factor until a pair of digital updates brought greater dimensions to the world of SEO.


When it comes to content length, there are a lot of opinions as to what’s considered “good.” When it comes to the point of creating website content, you can easily tell who is just producing content to try and increase search engine rankings and who genuinely wants to add value to the users’ experience.

Image Optimization

Images on-page send search engines important relevancy signals through their file name, alt text, title, description, and caption. By optimizing images, you can easily rank higher in Google Image Search results.This helps in driving huge traffic through search engines. If the images are not optimized, it will increase the loading time of web page as well the entire site. This creates a bad impact on the users and thus elevate the bounce rates.

Site Level Factors

Google Rankings

Contact Us Page

Did you know that for many sites, the contact page gets more page views than any other section? While many sites throw up a contact us page as a quick after-thought and formality, but you should be dedicating a lot more time and care to your contact page because, for many brands, it’s the beginning of your relationship with potential customers.

Site Architecture

A well put-together site architecture and design help Google to organize your content. When starting a new Search Engine Optimization project, any half-way decent SEO would focus on keyword research, link building strategies, Title Tags, Copy, XML Sitemaps and all the other basics that have to get done.

Sitemap Presence

A sitemap helps search engines index your pages easier and more thoroughly, improving visibility. Sitemaps are an important way of communication with search engines. It tells search engines where you would like them to go. The sitemaps do not contain all pages of a website, making it easy for all search engines and individual users to find the information that they are looking for from a site.

SSL Certificate

Google has confirmed that they index SSL certificates as a ranking signal. Every business should have SSL certificate on their website, especially after Google prioritized websites with SSL certificates for better search engine rankings. It stands for Secure Socket Layer, is an encryption technology used to create a secure connection between a web server and a user’s web browser.

Site Updates

As a site is updated and especially when new content is added to the site, it is a site-wide freshness factor. Every update you make to your website once it is “live” on the internet plays a part in its interaction with visitors, customers, and the powerful search engines. Make sure your content is not the key here, quality is. So, yes, it is a good idea to update frequently, but keep your content standards high.

Backlinks Factors

Google Rankings


Linking Domain Age

Backlinks from aged domains may be more powerful than new domains. It is worth noting that domain age isn’t referring just to how long you have owned a given domain name, but instead how long it has been since Google first indexed that domain, or saw a link to the domain.

Linking Page And Domain Authority

The page rank authority is an extremely important search engine ranking factor. Same the referring domain’s authority may play an independent role in a link’s importance. Domain authority and page authority also have a mutually beneficial relationship; building more links to your individual pages will have the effect of raising your domain authority, and raising your domain authority, in general, will increase the page authority of your individual pages.

Social Shares Of Referring Page

People will share your content in different ways. They will refer to it, talk about it, send links and make comments that most likely incorporate your keywords. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and all the other social networks typically are unveiled as the source. All it takes is 1 share on social media from someone with influence to reach many and grow your referral traffic.

Guests Posts

Build your brand by guest blogging on websites to increase your exposure. After your guest blog post is published, new visitors will be exposed to your business. By guest blogging, you can attain Google Authorship, it will improve your rankings in Google search results as well as click-through rates.

Sponsored Links

Many brands are sponsoring articles on blogs or other online publications with large preexisting audiences. As a result, new techniques, tactics, and tools are cropping up and being used by marketers of all stripes to maximize the visibility of their content. Therefore, it improves the website ranking along with the blog ranking.

Social Signals

Google Rankings


Social Media Pages And Profiles

Brands tend to have Facebook pages with lots of likes. Twitter profiles with a lot of followers signal a popular brand. Most real businesses have company Linkedin pages. Pinterest is an insanely popular social media account with lots of public data. It’s probably that Google considers Pinterest Pins a social signal.

Affiliate Sites

It’s no secret that Google isn’t the biggest fan of affiliates. And many think that sites that monetize with affiliate links are put under extra scrutiny. it doesn’t take a lot of effort to share your own posts on your profiles, and if you can get others to share your posts too, that likely takes even less effort. Why not go ahead and do it?

Site Level Social Signals

Site-wide social signals may increase a site’s overall authority, which will increase search visibility for all of its pages. The more people who share your article (either by clicking on the share buttons on your page or by posting a link to your article on social media) the better chance your page will have at ranking.

Brand Update On News Sites

Really big brands get mentioned on Google News sites all the time. In fact, some brands even have their own Google News feed on the first page. How do you keep up-to-date with all the mentions of you and your brand or competitors? And how do you keep tabs on the latest trends in your industry or niche? This must be on your to-do list to have a presence on news sites.

RSS Subscribers

Considering that Google owns the popular Feedburner RSS service, it makes sense that they would look at RSS Subscriber data as a popularity/brand signal. RSS feeds give readers a method to keep up with their favorite blogs, news sites, and other websites. Anyone can choose the sites they wish to subscribe to, and then get updates in one centralized location. This really helps your site to get Google ranking.

Wrapping Words!

At the end of this article, I want to quote my final words that above-mentioned points I have given may be good enough and solve your purpose of having resulted in Google rankings. If you find any other informative lines to add on, you can give your suggestion in the comment section box below.

For more, I want to recommend you some useful articles, you can go through with for more knowledge about Google Rankings factors:

Structure Your Blog Content for Great Rankings

WordPress SEO Plugins To Improve Your Website Ranking

Tools To Check Your WordPress Posts Keyword Ranking



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