Tips To Create A Conversion Driven Web Design

Tips To Create A Conversion Driven Web Design

Great web design makes a huge difference between a website that converts and one that doesn’t drive leads and sales. Conversion rates refer to the percentage of the number of website visitors that convert into customers. By optimizing your conversion rate through web design, you acquire more customers, increase your revenue, and grow your business.

Below are some helpful tips on how to create a conversion-driven web design:

Rule of Thirds: Apply the Basic Principle of Photography

One of the basic web design principles is the “Rule of Thirds,” which is also a basic principle of photography. According to this rule, you should place important web elements or objects on the four middle intersections of the nine equal squares when visually dividing a website page or image into thirds, either vertically or horizontally. By following this design principle, you can boost your web conversion rate.

web design elements
Image Source

Here are some examples of web elements you need to place in any of the four middle intersections:

  • Testimonials
  • Visible and clear call-to-action button
  • Contact information
  • Menu button
  • Categories
  • Highlight products
  • Headline
  • Welcome message
  • Stunning images or video

Keep in mind that the “Rule of Thirds” should be applied above the fold or the part of the website that fills the screen. By placing important data above the fold, visitors tend to stay and convert. This is what professional web designers use. Learn more about professional web design solutions by choosing the best web agency.

Visual and Psyche: Maximize Conversions with White Space

Did you know that too much visual data or information may cause cognitive fatigue or information overload? It makes it difficult for the mind to retain or absorb any information, thus failing to tap into a person’s psyche. With fewer distractions and clutter, it’s easier for the brain to process information.

white space advantage web design

White space is also called as negative space or empty space, or unmarked space on a web page. It leaves an impact on your site. However, white space doesn’t necessarily mean white because you can use any color. By implementing white space effectively, it helps draw attention to or highlight a specific web element. It makes visitors focus on individual web page elements, so they are forced to look or search on your website.

Here are the functional purposes of white space:

  • Increased readability
  • Enhanced user experience
  • Greater offer comprehension
  • Improved focus

Seven-Second Rule: Grab the Attention of Web Visitors

A visitor’s attention span can be so short that it is even shorter than that of a goldfish. Human beings have six to seven seconds of attention span, while a goldfish has nine seconds. That’s why you only have a small window of opportunity to engage with your visitors.

Here are some tips to help grab the attention of web visitors with the seven-second rule:

  • Set a Clear Call-to-Action: It tells where website visitors need to go, like filling out a form or buying a product. Some examples of call-to-actions include “Start Here” or “Buy Now.”
  • Large and Clear Buttons: Make them large, clear, and simple.
  • Use Multimedia: Incorporate interactive content, like videos, infographics, and audio files, like podcasts.
  • Use Power Words: When creating content, make your content engaging and enticing.

Human Image: Increase Conversion Rates to Grab Visitors’ Attention

Ads with human images tend to have a higher conversion rate, with a man’s face driving higher results than a woman’s face. That’s why it’s important to use human images that are unique and professionally-taken to grab the attention of your visitors and drive them to do business with you.

Face ads

Here are some tips when choosing images to help increase your site’s conversion rate:

  • Make sure to use human images that show a positive outlook, like a smiling face.
  • Beautiful faces tend to attract more people to stay on a website, most especially if you promote beauty and health and fitness products.
  • Young faces, like babies and children, are the best for parenting, inspirational, and baby product websites.

What’s Hot: Use Digital Three-Dimensional Illustrations

Using three-dimensional digital illustrations is a visual design trend that makes you establish an emotional connection with your visitors. Product designers use digital illustrations for different purposes, such as for hero sections, feature descriptions, or as a subtle icon found in the navigation bar.

Here are the benefits of using three-dimensional digital illustrations:

  • Add more realism to blur the boundary between the physical and digital worlds
  • Give users the impression to touch and reach out objects in the scene
  • Keep your website up-to-date with the latest design trends


Every website owner or marketer aims to drive more visitors to their websites to rank in search engines and increase sales. Implementing web design principles, like the “Rule of Thirds” and the “seven-second rule” will help you grab the attention of visitors, prompting them to take action and do business with you so you can achieve your business goals.



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