Reign Theme v2.3.0

= 2.3.0 =
* Enhancement: Added reign customizer color schemes set.
* Enhancement: Added woocommerce mini cart support in header.
* Enhancement: Added toggle menu for mobile view.
* Enhancement: (#149) woocommerce mini cart mobile view count managed
* Enhancement: Added edd mini cart in header.
* Enhancement: Added buddypress user mennu option in mobile toggle menu.
* Enhancement: Added more menu in elementor header.
* Enhancement: Added setting to enable/disable elementor header in mobile view.
* Enhancement: (#143) desktop view header style updated.
* Enhancement: (#177) Added customizer control for color schemes.
* Enhancement: (#182) hide color value from typography settings and added in colors section.
* Enhancement: ( #186 ) Bring Sub Header Section out of general section.
* Enhancement: (#187) Sub Header Image setting for cpts ( not supported by reign ) in the site.
* Enhancement: (#188) changes in css regarding color schemes
* Enhancement: (#189) Create customizer setting to disable sub header.
* Enhancement: (#191) Create customizer setting to switch header image with featured image in sub header section.
* Enhancement: Added customizer settings to select left and right sidebar for supported post types.
* Enhancement: Login page style updated.
* Enhancement: Updated login screen image.
* Fix: (#161) top bar style upated
* Fix: Header top bar style updated.
* Fix: (#162) header scroll for screen size below 960 px reign topbar
* Fix: (#163) elementor topbar manage on scroll
* Fix: (#161) comment top bar fix.
* Fix: (#165) site content style managed on mobile
* Fix: (#167) manage header when topbar disabled for mobile view
* Fix: (#170) Make more setting disable by default.
* Fix: (#143) spacing between user name and avatar managed.
* Fix: (#165) site content gap on mobile view managed.
* Fix: (#202) bp group email subscription style managed.
* Fix: (#198) post archive header working for CPT.
* Fix: (#217) Achievements field set background color
* Fix: (#223) Fatal error when EDD fes is not activated.
* Fix: (#224) EDD download archive page layout issue fix.
* Fix: rt-media member and group header position inside-top issue with legacy
* Fix: (#217) Fixed achievements field set background color.
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