BuddyPress and BuddyBoss Platform Email Notification

BuddyPress Email notifcations,BuddPress Notification Widget

Remember when someone expresses his reactions or comments on your Facebook and Instagram posts, you immediately receive a notification stating that X person has liked or commented on your XYZ post. If you are runnning a social media using BuddyPress o BuddyBoss Platform our new addon for favourite and like Activity will be useful to get this.  Sending notifications to users via email or any other means is a very effective way of communication between users. This is due to the fact that email is still the most used medium of communication among people. Similarly sending notifications to the users can also be considered as an effective tool of informing them about a certain activity on their profile or social media platform.

BuddyPress BuddyBoss Platform Compatible Theme

BuddyPress and BuddyBoss Platform Email Notifications Settings

User can. change the email preferences from account setting

BuddyPress BuddyBoss Email Notification setting
BuddyPress BuddyBoss Email Notification setting
  1. BuddyPress and BuddyBoss Activity Feed Email Notification:
    Sending an email notification to your users will make them aware of any important activity that happens on the website. Your users will always stay up to date if someone has mentioned them in any post or replied to a comment. Any BuddyPress activity with mention to user will show up in user BuddyPress notification widget and an email will be sent to use. All the replies to user post whether its an update or comment will also show up in the BuddyPress notification widget and emailed to user.
  2. BuddyPress and BuddyBoss Messages
    Notifications are an instant tool for communication. They allow instant  user to access new BuddyPress or BuddyBoss messages receive through email.
  3. Social Groups Notification
    User can on or off Email notification for new group invite, group information update, promote to group organizer or moderator and more based on need. All notifications will be in the BuddyPress notification widget so that member can see it first.
  4. Connections or Friendships
    BuddyPress Email notification for new friendship and connection.
    Notifications also ensure more user engagement. The users tend to get more involved in their activities. Moreover, they are easy to use and simple way of informing the members.

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Notification Feature in WordPress

If we take WordPress in context, then this platform also gives a feature of sending email notifications to your website members. Being an admin, you can easily configure the notification settings in the Dashboard itself. Moreover, when we enter the community aspect of WordPress which obviously is possible via BuddyPress, we get the Notification component which notifies the users when any activity is done on his profile. Let us know more about it further in the article.

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BuddyPress Notifications Feature

BuddyPress Email notifications,BuddPress Notification Widget

The BuddyPress Notification component was added to the core of BuddyPress in version 1.9. Notifications are the core aspect of user experience on a BuddyPress powered website. The new notifications are displayed in the admin bar profile menu by default.
BuddyPress sents out a notification to its users as soon as one of these things happen.

1. Activity:

  1. Whenever someones mention you in an update by @username
  2. Whenever a member creates a reply to a comment or update that you have posted

2. Messages:

  1. Whenever a member sends you a new message

3. Friends

  1. Whenever a member sends you a friend request
  2. Whenever a member accepts your friend request

4. Groups

  1. When any member invites you to join a group
  2. The group you have joined updates its information
  3. When you are promoted to a group moderator or admin
  4. When there is a member request to join a group for which you are an admin

5. Group Forums

When you receive notifications of your own post. BuddyPress provides an easy way to view your read and unread notifications on your notifications page. You can also

1. Mark notifications as “read”
2. Mark Notifications “unread”
3. Delete notification or multiple notifications

6. Receiving BuddyPress Email Notifications

A user can also disable or enable receiving an email notification when any new notification is received.

Create And Interactive Community Website With Reign BuddyPress Theme


BuddyPress Favorite Notification

The notification feature of BuddyPress does not inform the user when someone favorites or likes their post. Keeping this aspect in mind, Wbcom Designs has released an amazing plugin called BuddyPress Favorite Notification. This plugin adds functionality to notify the user when someone favorites any of their activity.

Moreover, this plugin shows live notifications of members on a BuddyPress based social network site. It will notify you after any BuddyPress activity by other users.

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Features Of BuddyPress Favorite Notification

The major features of BuddyPress Favorite Notifications are:

1. Adding Notification:

This plugin adds notification feature to the default BuddyPress Notification component. Whenever someone favorites your activity, this plugin will send you a notification. This feature allows members to know when people like their content just like Facebook.

2. Easy To Use:

This plugin is simple and very easy to use. The installation process is simple. Just install and activate the plugin and you are done. No other setting to configure.

3. Live Notifications:

Another great feature of this plugin is live notification feature i.e. it will notify live after any BuddyPress activity by the users.

BuddyPress Live Notification Review

4. BuddyPress Email Notification:

You can also enable the BuddyPress email notifications feature which will send you an email when someone favorites your content.

Thus, BP Favorite Notification is a simple, free and useful plugin which you can simply install and configure on your BuddyPress site.


Create BuddyPress Registration Form 

Buddypress Email Notifications

Thus, Notification is a very important feature that you can easily add to your BuddyPress powered community website. Moreover, you can also add BuddyPress Notification widget to your social community website. There are many plugins available in the WordPress repo that allow you to add a BuddyPress Notification widget.

We hope you liked this article on BuddyPress Notifications and BuddyPress Email Notifications. If you have any suggestions for us, please let us know in the comment section below.

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